Serving Northwestern Illinois and Eastern Iowa

If you are a company, tradesperson, or individual who needs metalwork in the Northwestern Illinois/Eastern Iowa region, Sivco Welding & Fabrication is the place for you. Over the course of our more than 20 years of experience in the business, we have handled nearly every type of metalwork job imaginable, and we have done so by applying our knowledge to provide high-quality work for all of our customers.

From large companies in need of major metalwork fabrication and welding to individuals with smaller projects, we do it all at Sivco Welding & Fabrication.

Service area specialties

We are experts at all of the following services:

  • Fabrication of new metal projects
  • Plasma cutting for precision metalwork
  • Repairs of old or ineffective metal products
  • Welding of all types of metals

What Our Machines Can Do:

Rolling: ¼" x 80"

Hydraulic Shear: 3/8" x 12'

Hydraulic Press Brakes: 3/8" x 12' x 190 ton

500 ton x 16'

CNC Plasma: 1-1/2" capacity 8' x 24' table

Portable Service Repair, Welding and Fabrication:

Mig Stick Tig Braise

Retail Items:

Round Bar

Flat Bar



Square Tubing

Round Pipe and Tubing

Cutting Edge

Hardox Wearplate

Aluminum Sheet

Plate Steel



Universal Quicktach Plates

Bale Spears

Weld-on Rings




Call us today for all of your welding, fabrication, and repair needs: 309-944-5171